Just a 2010s Retrospectives update for the blog series here: I’ve written a whole lot of these posts by now, with topics ranging all over the spectrum and posts as short as a couple paragraphs or as long as three or four thousand words. It’s been a really fun time, and I’ve gotten to reflect on things I’m not sure I ever would have remembered had I not been trying to think about various 2010s-related topics.

As for the whole project, I’d say we are well past the halfway point by now. For all the topics I would like to cover, there aren’t too many huge ones I’m still missing out on. So there will be another few months of posts, but we will soon finally be able to put the 2010s to rest (albeit several months into the new decade).

I want to make more of the “Best of the Decade” articles about my favorite media from the past ten years, but those posts take extraordinarily long to make compared to the ones that cover a single topic. If I get the time and gumption to finish more, they will probably come closer to the end of the whole series.

And one last thing… While I’m really writing these mostly for the fun of having a strange, public diary of sorts to look back on one day, I am obviously always glad when people find and read through these posts. However, the site stats tell me most of these posts so far have only single-digit views, which is a bit disheartening. If you have the time, please share some of these posts with other people! I’d love to have more readers and especially more commenters as well.

It is perhaps fitting that, ten years after starting my first blog, my latest one gets just about the same number of views per post. Fitting, but maybe a bit sad as well.

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