Last Chance to Read Gay Gatsby on Kindle Unlimited

Heya, just a quick news update about The Gay Gatsby and Kindle Unlimited. It’s been out for a little over two months now; while it still gets a few purchases every week, attention has mostly trailed off by now.

One experiment I ran, though, is now coming to an end–I won’t renew The Gay Gatsby’s enrollment in Kindle Select, which means the book will no longer be available for free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers. It ends March 31st!

If you don’t know, Kindle Unlimited is a subscription service for Amazon users that gives access to countless thousands of ebooks to read. Authors are paid by the page read; it varies every month but is usually somewhere around half a cent per page. For The Gay Gatsby, a full novel read is about $1.20, or half the amount of an ebook purchase. However, reads have been extremely low, too low to justify continuing.

That means it’s your last chance to read this weird, well-received book for free, Kindle Unlimited subscribers!

In April, after Kindle Select enrollment expires, I’ll be uploading the book to other platforms. That includes all the major ebook sites, like Barnes & Noble, Google, Apple, etc. There will also be DRM free options, since some have asked for that. I hope this will help a lot more readers discover my book!

Thanks for your support so far!

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