MSPA Reread 2023: Starts March 8th

The MSPA Reread 2023 draws near. Are you ready for it?

That’s right. 12 years after my last full reread and 8 years after the last MS Paint Adventure ended, we’re bringing this thing back, baby.

Starting March 8th, on the Official Quinlan Circle Discord, we’re going to be reading through the entire MS Paint Adventures saga, to celebrate Problem Sleuth’s 15th anniversary and to catch up on the extremely large behemoth of big size known as Homestuck.

You can follow along on the Discord, or you can just lurk and keep pace with the schedule here.

Or this handy TinyURL link:

MSPA Reread 2023 Schedule:

The schedule as follows goes along these lines:

  • March 8th, 9th: Andrew Hussie’s early works, including Jailbreak and Bard Quest.
  • March 10th: Problem Sleuth starts!
  • March 14th: Homestuck starts
  • April 13th: You know what this day is. A day for mirth and celebration except it’s a Thursday
  • April 29th: Homestuck finishes
  • (Currently, there is no plan for reading the Homestuck Epilogue or Homestuck 2 or playing any of the games, but we’ll see if we are mentally able to handle it by then.)
  • May 12th: Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom releases and any possibility of community reread energy will immediately disappear.

It’s spaced out nicely so that, hopefully, it won’t be over an hour a day of reading. Probably much less in the early sections.

You don’t have to participate in it all, of course! You can just read Problem Sleuth, or hop in once Homestuck starts, or just occasionlly read along whenever you want. First-time readers are also highly welcome!

You can keep referencing this post anytime you need throughout the MSPA reread 2023. I’ll provide a great masterlist of resources for you. Although, again, the Discord will have all of this stuff too.

MSPA Reread 2023 Resource Masterlist

The main site to read all MSPA material and support the creators. Almost everything you need is here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot play the flash games or watch the flash videos in their original form. Due to, of course, Adobe Flash no longer working. You’ll need an offline archive for that. This only matters for Homestuck.

MSPA Offline Archive + App (Unofficial)

Works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. It’s approximately 4.5GB in size and contains all of MSPA. It is a fan project, and so I can’t gurantee if the archive will be up in the long-term, but currently this is the best way to participate in the MSPA Reread 2023. It works offline, and it is the only way to experience the Homestuck flashes today. That last part is a big deal for me. I wanna see [S] Cascade not as a so-so Youtube rip.

Unless you are genuinely reading for the first time, I recommend not turning on the New Reader mode. It’s cool, but we may be doing some sequence breaking at points, Super Metroid style.

Buy the Books

You can read Homestuck Acts 1-5 in book form from VIZ Media. The other official way to read. It’s not the optimal way to read, but it does have cool commentary notes, and books in general are just nice. You can also potentially find Problem Sleuth books, but they’re out of print and… not cheap… used.

Listen to the Music

Homestuck’s music is very famous around the internet, especially that one song that got into Smash Bros. thanks to our messed-up timeline.

As you read, you can listen to the official albums on Bandcamp. And you can listen to the official albums they removed from the main page for reasons unknown. And you can listen to all the Gaiden and unofficial albums released over the years.

There’s even a Problem Sleuth fan album, important for our purposes., the Fan Site

I don’t know why the URL is so similar to the official site, but this site is an amazing resource for fan content and official content archives across the Inciphisphere. It has many more resources than what I’ve linked here, so explore it even beyond the MSPA Reread 2023 as you wish.

This is the only place to find Andrew Hussie’s early works, so keep this link handy for the March 8th-9th readings.

Also, the Shills List page will keep you very busy even after the reread is done. I REALLY recommend “…And I Show You How Deep The Rabbit Hole Goes.

MSPA Wiki, and Homestuck Reddit

I know, ugh, Wikia and Reddit, both scourges on fandom culture. But they’re both actually really good resources for the community for MSPA specifically. The wiki in particular can really help you when you inevitably forget details about the Felt and stuff.

Let’s Get This!

So remember. March 8th is the starting date, and March 10th is when Problem Sleuth begins. Join the Quinlan Circle Discord and let’s have fun throughout the spring as we journey through the MSPA Reread 2023!

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