For the first time in ages I’m genuinely pumped for Christmas movies, so let’s make our 2024 Christmas box office predictions!!! Here are mine. With
Category: Box Office

It’s the time of year when a million movies come out, and so I’ll explain to you why I love the Chrismas box office so

So, from my last post decrying the box office of summer 2024, there’s a good as heck update. June is shaping up to be a

The biggest movie flops of the 2010s… A dubious honor if there ever was one. These movies belong to an exclusive club of financial losers

Memorial Day box office 2024… A weekend that will live in infamy. Due to lingering COVID after-effects, the streaming wars peetering out, and the 2023

For movie box office, one thing that’s not talked about enough is movie studio market share. How many studios are releasing big movies? How many

They promised it wouldn’t happen like this, but it happened, and the world lost most 20th Century Fox adult blockbusters. It’s particularly disheartening when The

The movie Strange World has just come out and I only knew it because I write a lot of movie release dates in my planner.

Box Office Mojo… :'( Nobody likes website redesigns. Even when the redesigns are pretty damn good and add some sorely needed features, like most of
I have had this past three weeks “off” work, in that I have to go to City Hall every day and sit there doing nothing