It’s been almost a whole damn year since my last time dong a 2010s Retrospectives Update. Guess what? I’m still not done with these silly blogs.

The previous blog post said that I’d try to finish things up by December 31st, 2020. Clearly, that didn’t happen because I still have a ton of blog posts left to write and release. This isn’t an apology, of course; I just like writing these for fun, and more content is better for readers anyway.

But it’s still kinda quintessentially Thedudeian that I started making these blog posts as a short project, and it bloated into a gigantic art piece that tries to capture the mood of an entire decade for future times, or whatever. And despite the lack of any readership aside from Discord friends, I still continue. Already over 90 entries in this series!”

Of course, I’m OK with no readership. I rambled about that already, anyway. My only qualm is how long it’s taking to complete the project. Because of all my much more important writing projects, such as my brand-new serial Her Golemancer Girlfriend (read please), this one’s constantly on the backburner.

I still have about one-off 30 blog posts left to write, including more Best of the Decade posts like the ones I did for music and games. I’ve dumped a bunch of them that would require too much research or just didn’t end up interesting me enough. Even so, there’s still a good selection of articles I really want to make to round off everything the series has touched on so far.

There’s also three “sub-series” I have to do before I wrap things all up:

  1. MCU Memories: A big overview of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, one of the defining pieces of pop culture in the whole decade. I rewatched the entire franchise back in February, so I do think I have it in me to write 5-7 different posts about it.
  2. Scott Pilgrim: With a game, a comic, a movie, and a soundtrack that all touched on the 2010s in a big way, and all inspired me greatly as a young teen, I’ve got to write a few articles about that.
  3. Madoka Magica: The single most influential piece of media on my young adult life, and one that deserves no less than EIGHT articles, by my current plan.

The standalone articles are pretty much optional, but these three sub-series will have to get done before I can make that final 2010s Retrospectives update.

So, it might take another year to actually get around to finishing it all, but I’ll make sure to make some more insightful or dumb essays in that time. Hopefully it won’t stretch too far into 2022, or half these posts will end up becoming “way too early 2020s retrospectives” lol

Stay tuned for more posts!

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