70s men's fashion

70s Men’s Fashion is Now 20s Butch Girl Fashion

Everyone hates 70s men’s fashion, and I used to. Until I realized the terrifying truth. A truth that changed my life forever.

This was the post that started me on my rabbit hole back through time

If you put 70s men’s fashion on a butch woman… It goes from goofy, outdated excessiveness, to suddenly being extremely cool. Extremely fashionable. (Tangentially related: Here’s a cool photo gallery of lesbian life in the 70s. Some fashion lies within)

From the plaid to the vests to the tight jeans to the hair, 70s men’s fashion becomes shockingly cool once applied to butch women. But also, maybe 70s men’s fashion is kinda cool on men, too? It’s certainly audacious, and I’m all about audacious.

70s men's fashion
70s men's fashion
I want these PANTS to make a comeback
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion

There’s tons of it, just nice 70s men’s fashion that has a lot of color, a lot of wide pants, and a lot of mustaches. Well, the mustache part isn’t going to translate to most butch women, but the rest of it very much is.

I mean, even if you look at 70s lesbian fashion, you see stuff people outright wear today.

Look at Joan Jett from the 70s and tell me, does this really look out of place in the 20s?

So then, when you look at butch fashion of today, you see that distinct reminder of the 70s. Some of the clothes people wear these days are shockingly similar to stuff people wore fifty years ago… Just a little less silly, a little more muted.

Honestly, maybe that should change.

  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion

I like where butch fashion is at, but I’m excited for where it’s going to go. Because, if life follows my grand unified theory, 70s aesthetics are primed and ready to make a roaring comeback. 20 years after That 70s Show, with that decade now relegated to the distant past for anyone under the age of 50… I’m thinking the 70s will make a resurgence in pop culture inspiration. But, at least I hope, it’ll happen in the form of brand-new stuff instead of just pastiche and homage (like that stupid Joker movie).

I leave you with butch fashion. This is exactly what we need more of in this world, anyway.

  • 70s men's fashion
  • 70s men's fashion

Read more of my blog posts! By the way, I’m non-binary myself and I’ve always wondered about how to get more into butch fashion. Being transgender, though, makes it hard to pull off correctly for me, so for now I’ll just watch awesome cool people be extremely dapper. I wish I could pull off that Jim Henson look

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