I’m thirty. Before me stretches the portentous menacing road of a new decade. Thirty—the promise of a decade of positivity, a thinning list of single
Category: books

Today I finished my third time reading the book Unsouled. And that’s really weird. I don’t reread books often. I can probably count on two

I’m going to introduce you to my public domain acceleration plan, which may be excessive and not even cost-effective, but I still want to put

It is absolutely inconceivable to me that nobody has made modern Oz adaptations yet. Not in any meaningful way, at least. We got the 80s
My new book of Madoka Magica Memories comes out on 4/27. Please preorder it! It’s a collection of essays about Madoka Magica, an anime greatly

The Gay Gatsby is now one month old; let’s do a Gay Gatsby Round-Up. Yay! Thanks to all of y’all at the #GatsbyArmy, the book

Sometimes I forget that, before the Quinlan Circle, I ran a web fiction website for almost an entire year: Home Clipart Animal Deer: Where Literature

Howdy to you, and happy 2021 (in most time zones at least), the Year of Our Lord In Which The Gay Gatsby Finally Comes Out.

I started listening to the audiobook for the first Lord of the Rings book this morning, marking the first time I’ve ever read (?) this

Welcome to this decade’s Nanowrimo report. Featuring me, Thedude3445. Ever since the beginning of the decade, I’ve been super into the idea of Nanowrimo, or