I don’t work as well under pressure as I thought. Or maybe I do, but only when it’s imminent, when I have to complete something
Category: Word Essays

I have dealt with Micro USB for over a decade now. And I’m almost at my wit’s end with this thing’s zombie-like afterlife. Just like

Can you believe Craven was the guy’s real name? I’m of course talking about Wes Craven, the horror icon, the director and writer who launched

It’s interesting how much of our lives are stuck on the cloud. Some hard drive on a server rack in a data center in upstate

I like bears. Who doesn’t like bears? They’re great big majestic monsters. And for most of human history, they have been feared, despised, taboo to

I’m going to be introducing Word Essays, a new type of blog on this site. Sporadically with no schedule, I’m going to post short essays