The Gay Gatsby is now one month old; let’s do a Gay Gatsby Round-Up.
Thanks to all of y’all at the #GatsbyArmy, the book has sold over 65 copies in its first month. That’s an astounding success for an indie book with no real marketing and that was kept a secret all the way up until days before release.
It even got mentioned in the friggin’ New York Times! Holy crap!
It’s also got a couple really amazing reviews already that warm my heart to read. Look at some of the compliments the book’s received so far:
I genuinely enjoyed each phase of the book, it was laugh out loud funny at multiple times while still managing to hit some good emotional highs. The plot becomes a bit madcap and ridiculous, but I mean that entirely as a complement.
Came for the novelty of a “slightly” different retelling of an overrated classic, stayed with it for the gradual – and sometimes not so gradual – escalation of madness that almost had me clutching my sides.
There is a lot of love put into the language of this book capturing the tone and atmosphere of the original, but daring to explore new moments that feel comparably memorable.
Such kind words about the book. I’m really, really happy about the praise it has received so far.
There’s actually a bunch of Great Gatsby adaptations that have been released or are soon to release since January 1st. It’s enough that I have created an ongoing Twitter thread to catalogue them. (And I may turn that into a blog post someday if it’s popular enough). Some of them are really good, so please check them all out.
That’s all for my Gay Gatsby Round-Up. I’ll probably do more posts about it as time goes on, especially if it keeps getting featured in prominent places. Please help spread the word so more people can find it.
If you’re the least bit interested in The Gay Gatsby but haven’t taken the dive, I urge you to read it soon. Join the #GatsbyArmy and become part of the coolest club ever!

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