I’m writing this short post about time management from the gym shower room. Hopefully not holding up anyone waiting oops Did you even know you
Category: Life Rambles

Go turn over a delivery truck or something. I knew someone once who got arrested on May Day in a group who got drunk and

I told you I wouldn’t do New Year’s Resolutions this year, so here’s my Reiwa 6 Resolutions instead. As I mentioned before, I’ve soured on
Change your bookmarks for this site to http://beatricebaker.com please! Sometime in the next month, the current Quinlan Circle sites will all go down. They’re not

Here’s my Life Rambles post for 11/14/2023, where I talk about various topics in my daily and creative life. For 11/14/2023, that is. As you

Welcome to another life rambles, where I post a few things about my life in short succession. Vacation Week I had to work my first-ever

I’m experimenting with more general blogging, so here’s my first Life Rambles post. So here’s some short various rambles not long enough for a post