I wrote a review of Lego Star Wars: Revenge of the Brick on Letterboxd and decided it was too nice for just that site. I’m
Month: October 2023

They promised it wouldn’t happen like this, but it happened, and the world lost most 20th Century Fox adult blockbusters. It’s particularly disheartening when The

I’m experimenting with more general blogging, so here’s my first Life Rambles post. So here’s some short various rambles not long enough for a post

That’s right, I’m about to do a spiel on microblogging vs. normal blogging. (This article inspired me to write this.) First off, fuck Twitter, it

That’s right, I can tell you about succeeding at dating apps. A little, at least. I made multiple posts about this in the past year

Well, I never expected it, but my watch strap broke this morning and changed up the rest of my day. I’ve only had my Samsung

I’ve just been made aware of this new site where you can search for progression fantasy books. It’s titled, conveniently, Progression Fantasy & LitRPG. The

In round 3 of me gushing about media I haven’t experienced, Cybernator seems so friggin’ cool. Recently, the game’s been rereleased on modern hardware, got

People ask me all the time where the Systemless Series Ebooks are, and I can tell you they’re all on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. That’s