I’ve found true love, and its name is… Link Scoop. Welcome to another addition of this blog series where I share with you the things
Month: November 2023

I’m always on-and-off with projects, so I want to learn about steering creative obsessions in my life. It’s a huge struggle for me to stay

It’s a pretty nice anime, but the Do It Yourself anime American character really annoys me in a few ways. This Fall 2022 anime came

I’ve got some Switch 2 ideas for you. Based on everyone else’s speculation, based on existing patents, based on the mood of the gaming world,
Let’s scoop harder with the new Link Scoop! I’ll provide you with all the stories from around the internet I’ve been discovering, and some fun

For movie box office, one thing that’s not talked about enough is movie studio market share. How many studios are releasing big movies? How many

Welcome to Link Scoop, my brand-new… blog series? Newsletter? Whatever this is. Basically, the idea is simple. I give you some links–scoop up, as you

I’ve been struggling with note taking workflow and my creative output for years. I’ve never found the right balance. Maybe soon I will. This is

Here’s my Life Rambles post for 11/14/2023, where I talk about various topics in my daily and creative life. For 11/14/2023, that is. As you

I’ve always wondered, what if Nintendo bought Rare in the Gamecube era? What would Nintendo’s dire sales for the Gamecube have been like? What would