When grassroots campaigns succeed, like Operation Rainfall did, it can feel like people have moved mountains. Three great Wii RPGs actually got localized, actually got
Category: Internet
I found a lost Andrew Hussie comic. And I really want to find it. It’s kind of rare, and a byproduct of the early internet
Tiktok did it. It came in a flash—the realization that I, Beatrice Baker, had become an old person. And that was the moment that my
There’s one important thing about Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer as a conspiracy theory. One extremely important thing that people often overlook when asking the question
Sometime pretty early in 2022, I got hooked on long Youtube video essays. Especially video game ones. I always bemoaned the fact that Youtube videos
Joi Massat’s blog is way worth your time! The reflections are always insightful, the content’s way up my alley almost every post, and it’s definitely
I don’t know, tell me if this is a stupid idea. I just had the random thought and I can’t let it go without at
So, it’s about time to give a Web Fiction Directory update. The original directory is by far my most-viewed page on the entire website, even
I probably don’t need to tell people that Adobe Acrobat is evil, but I’ll tell you anyway. Adobe Acrobat is evil! So I needed to
There’s that wall web content creators know all too well: The engagement void. You’ve posted your first song, your first chapter, your first art, and